Collaborate, Innovate, Learn

Decarbonising our energy system and achieving greater Christchurch’s bold emission reduction targets requires deep, authentic collaboration.

for a cleaner 
brighter future

Do you want to collaborate and innovate for a cleaner brighter future?

A cleaner brighter future for our communities will only be achieved though deep, authentic collaboration across sectors (energy, community, industry, transport, rural, finance, tech, education, govt, etc).

Energy Hub is a space for people to collaborate, innovate and learn together on our energy transition journey through innovation initiatives, events and more.

Our Energy 

In mid-Canterbury, our energy transition is supported by some innovative projects and initiatives to decarbonise transport, process heat, increase renewable energy generation and use energy differently. See them on this new interactive map by Smart Christchurch

If you have a local energy innovation project or initiative you would like listed, please get in touch.


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